


双重渗透,或 DP,是被低估的乐趣之一。它也是最复杂的乐趣之一,因此花时间做好这件事很重要。“不要着急,确保你在精神上和身体上都做好了准备,”性专家 Marla Renee Stewart 建议道。

从心理上来说,确保你和你的伴侣对 DP 意味着什么有共识。你还需要适当润滑自己,最好使用水基润滑剂,以便在安全套安全的性行为中,最大限度地降低阴道或肛门微撕裂和感染的风险。

Start with smaller toys or positions if you are new to DP. "It's easier to work up to anal penetration with a finger than it is to go straight from the penis to the anus," Matatas says. And if you're going from the anus to the mouth, be sure to use a clean dildo or strap-on--not an old, dirty one!